

This is a serious vocal program. When you learn this technique, you voice will organically improve from the voice-building and a weekly private lesson. Within the first 6-9 weeks you attain 6 months of voice growth and within the first 6 months you attain 5 years of voice growth in both texture of tone and vocal range.


Judy's voice lessons incorporate singing techniques to master and maintain your own voice for life, and you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • You will learn breath support that will enable you to control pitch and develop you range.
  • Increased vocal range. Judy will teach you how to master the use of your new vocal range through songs during your private lessons as well as group voice lessons, and throughout exercises on voice lesson exercise tapes, which students use at home.
  • Ability to sing with strength and consistency throughout your vocal range.
  • Ability to protect your voice/instrument from vocal abuse while singing, speaking and performance. In the voice lessons you will learn how to avoid vocally abusive habits. 
  • Judy specializes in abused voices and many students taking these voice lessons have been referred to her by doctors because of vocal nodules or surgery on the vocal cords. If your voice was abused, you will be able to repair abused vocal cords from swelling and/or nodules.  (Proper vocal training heals most nodules without surgery on vocal cords.)
  •   The voice building classes will rapidly improve the quality of your voice by adding color, highlight, sharpness and brightness, but most of all acquiring an evenness of tone and a tone-quality guided by your emotions. This will improve your artistry.
  • You will obtain an intimate connection and understanding of your voice.
  • You will gain the ability to warm up your voice completely and efficiently regardless of what is going on in your life.
  • You will obtain breath control.
  • You will be able to sing throughout illness.

The main focus of these voice lessons is efficient breath control and voice building. You will attain the best result from your vocal training by maintaining consistency in your private voice lessons.